Final Thoughts
Well, with this post, my "Adventures in China and Taiwan" blog, as all things eventually do, will meet its end. I'd like to quickly run through a few thank-you's, although there are so many people not included on this list to whom I am very grateful:
- First, to my readers. I know there are at least three or four people reading this; I really have no idea how many. Whoever you are, I hope you have found some sort of bizarre entertainment in my ramblings or maybe have picked up a travel tip or two for China and Taiwan. This is the first time I've really written for an audience, other than a teacher or professor, so it was difficult trying to keep this blog appealing for the wide variety of people who might be reading. Hopefully, I didn't disappoint too much.
- Now, two thank you's to two very special potential readers. First, to the editors of the Lonely Planet travel guidebooks. If you've been reading along the whole time, just dying to let me know how much you love my style, now is the time to contact me. Pending salary negotiations, I'm willing to travel anywhere in the world to write for LP. Secondly, a very warm thank you to the Chinese PSB. At times I suppose I poked a little fun at the Chinese people, but it was all in good fun; I truly love China, it's people, and it's culture. I'm glad you recognized this and did not lock me in jail.
- Thank you to Jeanette and John for letting me borrow their rock climbing gear, and I wish them a wonderful trip to China.
- Thank you to Fu Laoshi and Su Laoshi for their instruction in Chinese - which was what really made this trip feasible - and for their assistance in planning the trip.
- Thank you to Arthur and his family in Hong Kong for the warm welcome to Asia and for the awesome hotpot dinner.
-Thank you to Xu Yuan and her family for providing me with an absolutely wonderful homestay experience in China. Their kindness and hospitality will never be forgotten, and I look foward to returning one day.
- Thank you to the Chang family in Taipei for their help getting around the city and for their continued friendship.
- Thank you to my brother for sending me exactly one - no more, no less - email during the entire two months I was gone. I received this email tonight, my very last night away from home.
- Thank you to my parents for their support of this trip in particular and for their continued support of all my adventures, even though they don't like any part of them. Also, thank you to them for giving me one more experience which will one day probably convince me that my future consists of being a surf bum and a traveling vagabond, not a doctor.
- Thank you to Yo, W&L's standout rock climber, who actually took the time to make a comment on my blog (my only friend to do so).
- Most importantly, a very special thank you to all the people in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan who made my stay so unforgettable. These people will probably never read this blog or realize how much I appreciate their hospitality, but I will always remember how well I was treated when traveling, and I will do my best to recriprocate and demonstrate the same respect and genuine concern for foreigners traveling in the United States.
For the first time in my life, I truly feel like a traveler. Not a priviliged kid who stays in Marriott's, but a solo adventurer who let go of everything that felt safe and crossed into the unknown in order to see, to experience, and to understand. I walk away from this most recent experience as a more complete person, with a broader view of the world. I walk away more excited than ever... about life. I'm not even home yet, and I'm already planning future adventures! As I've said often, there's so much to see and so little time. When I arrived in China, everyone told me to take it easy, that I had plenty of time to do everything I wished to do. But before I knew it, my time in China was over. I think it's the same with life. We have a natural tendency to put things off until later - always believing that there will be another tomorrow - when in reality, nothing is guaranteed, and in the blink of an eye, everything can change. The only way I know to live is to make the most of the present - to pursue knowledge, to pursue adventure, to pursue understanding...with relentless energy. There's a giant world out there, just waiting to be explored! Why do we fear to stand out from the norm? Why do we fear to do something extraordinary? "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined." ~ FIN
Dude. When are you getting to W&L so we can start sharing our adventures from the summer?!?!?
Hi Alex There I was just cruising the web looking for info on windsurfer and I happened upon your site. It looks like you have put a lot of work into Final Thoughts and congratulations, but I'm really looking for info on windsurfing.
Hey Alex...
How did you get your blog to be so good? Originally I was out trying to locate rash guard related information, but your post ' Final Thoughts ' got my attention and stopped me in my tracks :) Glad I found you because I'm trying to improve my site about rash guard and your blog here gave me some excellent ideas. Thanks Alex for the good read and I think I'll mention your blog to my cousin (if that's okay...)
Keep up your effort ~ and good job.
Alex this is great!
It's funny how I was looking for this type of thing and found your post: Final Thoughts. It pulled me right out of my researching on rashguards products and allowed me to sit down for a nice read. Thanks for your great job Alex. I think I'll hang out on your blog for a while and be done with rashguards stuff for now. Have a good day Alex.
Hi Alex There I was just cruising the web looking for info on wind forecasts and I happened upon your site. It looks like you have put a lot of work into Final Thoughts and congratulations, but I'm really looking for info on windsurfing.
Howdy Alex,
I'm impressed with what you wrote here in your Final Thoughts post. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I was searching for surfing dvds information, but found you and I'm happy to be here - you have done well with topics that interest me. I might make a blog that looks like yours but about surfing dvds related stuff, (don't worry I wouldn't try to compete with you). You're doing a great job Alex.
You got a great thing going... by friend.
Bula Alex, I'm over in Fiji on vacation ('Bula' is hello in Fijian) I found an internet connection and decided to start research for my surfing dvd site... just found your totally awesome blog and had to dive right in! Your post "Final Thoughts" is interesting, not really about surfing dvd stuff but certainly worth my time. I'll be bookmarking you so I can spend more time here when I get home. Hopefully you don't mind if I come back (I could also tell my friends... they'd like this)
Okay Alex, have a nice day...
Bula (goodbye in Fijian :)
Great post Alex, without blogs like yours I would be miserable and bored. My recent injury has me cooped up at home, so it's always lucky to find a gem like your blog here to keep me amused. My surfboard website is getting better but it's hard to find information on surfboard stuff, so I like learning from quality blogs like yours because it helps me in my web projects. You do a sweat job my friend. I'll be bookmarking your site in a special place. Will probably tell a friend too.
Nice work ~
Howdy Alex,
I'm impressed with what you wrote here in your Final Thoughts post. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I was searching for surf dvds information, but found you and I'm happy to be here - you have done well with topics that interest me. I might make a blog that looks like yours but about surf dvds related stuff, (don't worry I wouldn't try to compete with you). You're doing a great job Alex.
You got a great thing going... by friend.
I was thinking Alex, I was checking out sources of info on ice fishing tip and I stumbled across your post about Final Thoughts that you have a great site here. I'm personally working hard at developing an online business around ice fishing tip and I'd like to share this site with some of my own subscribers. Thanks for letting me stop by Alex...I'll be back.
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